Recipes processing
— Method_process_userrecipes(plt, plotattributes, args)
Wrap input arguments in a RecipeData' vector and recursively apply user recipes and type recipes on the first element. Prepend the returned
RecipeDatavector. If an element with empy
argsis returned pop it from the vector, finish up, and it to vector of
Dicts with processed series. When all arguments are processed return the series
— Method_process_plotrecipes!(plt, kw_list)
Grab the first in line to be processed and pass it through apply_recipe
to generate a list of RecipeData
objects. If we applied a "plot recipe" without error, then add the returned datalist's KWs, otherwise we just add the original KW.
— Method_process_seriesrecipes!(plt, kw_list)
Recursively apply series recipes until the backend supports the seriestype