Series Recipes


    _process_seriesrecipes!(plt, kw_list)

Recursively apply series recipes until the backend supports the seriestype
function _process_seriesrecipes!(plt, kw_list)
    for kw in kw_list

in series attributes given as vector with one element per series, select the value for current series

        slice_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list, kw)
    process_sliced_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list)
    for kw in kw_list
        series_attr = DefaultsDict(kw, series_defaults(plt))

now we have a fully specified series, with colors chosen. we must recursively handle series recipes, which dispatch on seriestype. If a backend does not natively support a seriestype, we check for a recipe that will convert that series type into one made up of lower-level components. For example, a histogram is just a bar plot with binned data, a bar plot is really a filled step plot, and a step plot is really just a path. So any backend that supports drawing a path will implicitly be able to support step, bar, and histogram plots (and any recipes that use those components).

        _process_seriesrecipe(plt, series_attr)

this method recursively applies series recipes when the seriestype is not supported natively by the backend

function _process_seriesrecipe(plt, plotattributes)

replace seriestype aliases

    st = Symbol(plotattributes[:seriestype])
    st = plotattributes[:seriestype] = type_alias(plt, st)

shapes shouldn't have fillrange set

    if plotattributes[:seriestype] == :shape
        plotattributes[:fillrange] = nothing

if it's natively supported, finalize processing and pass along to the backend, otherwise recurse

    if is_seriestype_supported(plt, st)
        add_series!(plt, plotattributes)

get a sub list of series for this seriestype

        x, y, z = plotattributes[:x], plotattributes[:y], plotattributes[:z]
        datalist = RecipesBase.apply_recipe(plotattributes, Val{st}, x, y, z)
        warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, datalist, :series, st)

assuming there was no error, recursively apply the series recipes

        for data in datalist
            if isa(data, RecipeData)
                preprocess_attributes!(plt, data.plotattributes)
                if data.plotattributes[:seriestype] == st
                    error("The seriestype didn't change in series recipe $st. This will cause a StackOverflow.")
                _process_seriesrecipe(plt, data.plotattributes)
                @warn("Unhandled recipe: $(data)")


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