
    warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, plotattributes, recipe_type, args...)

Warn if an alias is dedected in `plotattributes` after a recipe of type `recipe_type` is
applied to 'args'. `recipe_type` is either `:user`, `:type`, `:plot` or `:series`.
function warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, plotattributes::AKW, recipe_type::Symbol, @nospecialize(args)) end
function warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, v::AbstractVector, recipe_type::Symbol, @nospecialize(args))
    for x in v
        warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, x, recipe_type, args)
function warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, rd::RecipeData, recipe_type::Symbol, @nospecialize(args))
    warn_on_recipe_aliases!(plt, rd.plotattributes, recipe_type, args)


    splittable_attribute(plt, key, val, len)

Returns `true` if the attribute `key` with the value `val` can be split into groups with
group provided as a vector of length `len`, `false` otherwise.
splittable_attribute(plt, key, val, len) = false
splittable_attribute(plt, key, val::AbstractArray, len) =
    !(key in (:group, :color_palette)) && length(axes(val, 1)) == len
splittable_attribute(plt, key, val::Tuple, len) =
    all(v -> splittable_attribute(plt, key, v, len), val)

    split_attribute(plt, key, val, indices)

Select the proper indices from `val` for attribute `key`.
split_attribute(plt, key, val::AbstractArray, indices) =
    val[indices, fill(Colon(), ndims(val) - 1)...]
split_attribute(plt, key, val::Tuple, indices) =
    Tuple(split_attribute(plt, key, v, indices) for v in val)

Preprocessing attributes

    preprocess_attributes!(plt, plotattributes)

Any plotting package specific preprocessing of user or recipe input happens here.
For example, Plots replaces aliases and expands magic arguments.
function preprocess_attributes!(plt, plotattributes) end

TODO: should the Plots version be defined as fallback in RecipesPipeline?

    is_subplot_attribute(plt, attr)

Returns `true` if `attr` is a subplot attribute, otherwise `false`.
is_subplot_attribute(plt, attr) = false

TODO: should the Plots version be defined as fallback in RecipesPipeline?

    is_axis_attribute(plt, attr)

Returns `true` if `attr` is an axis attribute, i.e. it applies to `xattr`, `yattr` and
`zattr`, otherwise `false`.
is_axis_attribute(plt, attr) = false

processing of axis args

axis args before type recipes should still be mapped to all axes

    preprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes)

Preprocessing of axis attributes.
Prepends the axis letter to axis attributes by default.
function preprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes)
    for (k, v) in plotattributes
        if is_axis_attribute(plt, k)
            pop!(plotattributes, k)
            for l in (:x, :y, :z)
                lk = Symbol(l, k)
                haskey(plotattributes, lk) || (plotattributes[lk] = v)

    preprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes, letter)

This version additionally stores the letter name in  `plotattributes[:letter]`.
function preprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes, letter)
    plotattributes[:letter] = letter
    preprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes)

axis args in type recipes should only be applied to the current axis

    postprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes, letter)

Removes the `:letter` key from `plotattributes` and does the same prepending of the letters as `preprocess_axis_args!`.
function postprocess_axis_args!(plt, plotattributes, letter)
    pop!(plotattributes, :letter)
    if letter in (:x, :y, :z)
        for (k, v) in plotattributes
            if is_axis_attribute(plt, k)
                pop!(plotattributes, k)
                lk = Symbol(letter, k)
                haskey(plotattributes, lk) || (plotattributes[lk] = v)

User recipes

    process_userrecipe!(plt, attributes_list, attributes)

Do plotting package specific post-processing and add series attributes to attributes_list.
For example, Plots increases the number of series in `plt`, sets `:series_plotindex` in
attributes and possible adds new series attributes for errorbars or smooth.
function process_userrecipe!(plt, attributes_list, attributes)
    push!(attributes_list, attributes)

    get_axis_limits(plt, letter)

Get the limits for the axis specified by `letter` (`:x`, `:y` or `:z`) in `plt`. If it
errors, `tryrange` from PlotUtils is used.
get_axis_limits(plt, letter) = throw(ErrorException("Axis limits not defined."))

Plot recipes

    type_alias(plt, st)

Return the seriestype alias for `st`.
type_alias(plt, st) = st

Plot setup

    plot_setup!(plt, plotattributes, kw_list)

Setup plot, subplots and layouts.
For example, Plots creates the backend figure, initializes subplots, expands extrema and
links subplot axes.
function plot_setup!(plt, plotattributes, kw_list) end

Series recipes

    slice_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list, kw)

For attributes given as vector with one element per series, only select the value for
current series.
function slice_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list, kw) end

    process_sliced_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list)

All series attributes are now properly resolved. Any change of the `kw_list` before the application of recipes must come here.
function process_sliced_series_attributes!(plt, kw_list) end


Returns a `Dict` storing the defaults for series attributes.
series_defaults(plt) = Dict{Symbol, Any}()

TODO: Add a more sensible fallback including e.g. path, scatter, ...

    is_seriestype_supported(plt, st)

Check if the plotting package natively supports the seriestype `st`.
is_seriestype_supported(plt, st) = false


Check if the plotting package natively supports the attribute `key`
RecipesBase.is_key_supported(key) = true


    add_series!(plt, kw)

Adds the series defined by `kw` to the plot object.
For example Plots updates the current subplot arguments, expands extrema and pushes the
the series to the series_list of `plt`.
function add_series!(plt, kw) end

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