Series handling

const FuncOrFuncs{F} = Union{F, Vector{F}, Matrix{F}}
const MaybeNumber = Union{Number, Missing}
const MaybeString = Union{AbstractString, Missing}
const DataPoint = Union{MaybeNumber, MaybeString}

_prepare_series_data(x) = error("Cannot convert $(typeof(x)) to series data for plotting")
_prepare_series_data(::Nothing) = nothing
_prepare_series_data(t::Tuple{T, T}) where {T <: Number} = t
_prepare_series_data(f::Function) = f
_prepare_series_data(ar::AbstractRange{<:Number}) = ar
function _prepare_series_data(a::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:MaybeNumber}

Get a non-missing AbstractFloat type for the array There may be a better way to do this?

    F = typeof(float(zero(nonmissingtype(T))))

Create a new array with this type to write to

    float_a = similar(a, F)

Replace missing and inf values with NaN

    broadcast!(float_a, a) do x
        ismissing(x) || isinf(x) ? NaN : x
    return float_a
_prepare_series_data(a::AbstractArray{<:Missing}) = fill(NaN, axes(a))
_prepare_series_data(a::AbstractArray{<:MaybeString}) =
    replace(x -> ismissing(x) ? "" : x, a)
_prepare_series_data(s::Surface{<:AMat{<:MaybeNumber}}) =
_prepare_series_data(s::Surface) = s  # non-numeric Surface, such as an image
_prepare_series_data(v::Volume) =
    Volume(_prepare_series_data(v.v), v.x_extents, v.y_extents, v.z_extents)

default: assume x represents a single series

_series_data_vector(x, plotattributes) = [_prepare_series_data(x)]

fixed number of blank series

_series_data_vector(n::Integer, plotattributes) = [zeros(0) for i in 1:n]

vector of data points is a single series

_series_data_vector(v::AVec{<:DataPoint}, plotattributes) = [_prepare_series_data(v)]

list of things (maybe other vectors, functions, or something else)

function _series_data_vector(v::AVec, plotattributes)
    if all(x -> x isa MaybeNumber, v)
        _series_data_vector(Vector{MaybeNumber}(v), plotattributes)
    elseif all(x -> x isa MaybeString, v)
        _series_data_vector(Vector{MaybeString}(v), plotattributes)
        vcat((_series_data_vector(vi, plotattributes) for vi in v)...)

Matrix is split into columns

function _series_data_vector(v::AMat{<:DataPoint}, plotattributes)
    if is3d(plotattributes)
        [_prepare_series_data(v[:, i]) for i in axes(v, 2)]

_compute_x(x::Nothing, y::Nothing, z) = axes(z, 1)
_compute_x(x::Nothing, y, z) = axes(y, 1)
_compute_x(x::Function, y, z) = map(x, y)
_compute_x(x, y, z) = x

_compute_y(x::Nothing, y::Nothing, z) = axes(z, 2)
_compute_y(x, y::Function, z) = map(y, x)
_compute_y(x, y, z) = y

_compute_z(x, y, z::Function) = map(z, x, y)
_compute_z(x, y, z::AbstractMatrix) = Surface(z)
_compute_z(x, y, z::Nothing) = nothing
_compute_z(x, y, z) = z

_nobigs(v::AVec{BigFloat}) = map(Float64, v)
_nobigs(v::AVec{BigInt}) = map(Int64, v)
_nobigs(v) = v

@noinline function _compute_xyz(x, y, z, nice_error=false)
    x = _compute_x(x, y, z)
    y = _compute_y(x, y, z)
    z = _compute_z(x, y, z)
    if nice_error && isnothing(z) # don't touch 3D plots
        n = size(x,1)
        !isnothing(y) && size(y,1) != n && error("Expects $n elements in each col of y, found $(size(y,1)).")
    _nobigs(x), _nobigs(y), _nobigs(z)

not allowed

_compute_xyz(x::Nothing, y::FuncOrFuncs{F}, z) where {F <: Function} =
    error("If you want to plot the function `$y`, you need to define the x values!")
_compute_xyz(x::Nothing, y::Nothing, z::FuncOrFuncs{F}) where {F <: Function} =
    error("If you want to plot the function `$z`, you need to define x and y values!")
_compute_xyz(x::Nothing, y::Nothing, z::Nothing) = error("x/y/z are all nothing!")

we are going to build recipes to do the processing and splitting of the args

The catch-all SliceIt recipe

ensure we dispatch to the slicer

struct SliceIt end

The SliceIt recipe finishes user and type recipe processing. It splits processed data into individual series data, stores in copied plotattributes for each series and returns no arguments.

@recipe function f(::Type{SliceIt}, x, y, z)
    nice_error = (x isa AbstractVector) && (y isa AbstractMatrix) # only check in the trivial case

handle data with formatting attached

    if typeof(x) <: Formatted
        xformatter := x.formatter
        x =
    if typeof(y) <: Formatted
        yformatter := y.formatter
        y =
    if typeof(z) <: Formatted
        zformatter := z.formatter
        z =

    xs = _series_data_vector(x, plotattributes)
    ys = _series_data_vector(y, plotattributes)
    zs = _series_data_vector(z, plotattributes)

    mx = length(xs)
    my = length(ys)
    mz = length(zs)
    if mx > 0 && my > 0 && mz > 0
        for i in 1:max(mx, my, mz)

add a new series

            di = copy(plotattributes)
            xi, yi, zi = xs[mod1(i, mx)], ys[mod1(i, my)], zs[mod1(i, mz)]
            di[:x], di[:y], di[:z] = _compute_xyz(xi, yi, zi, nice_error)

            push!(series_list, RecipeData(di, ()))
    nothing  # don't add a series for the main block

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