Starting with v0.4.0, PlotlyJS.jl now has support for styles. A style is defined as an instance of the following type:

struct Style

Let's go over the fields one by one:

  • layout: A Layout object defining style attributes for the layout
  • global_trace: A PlotlyAttribute (created with the attr function) that

contains trace attributes to be applied to traces of all types

  • trace: A dictionary mapping trace types into attributes to be applied to

that type of trace


Starting with v0.7.1, PlotlyJS.jl has a new type called Cycler that can be used to set style properties that should be cycled through for each trace.

For example, to have all traces alternate between being colored green and red, I could define:

mystyle = Style(global_trace=attr(marker_color=["green", "red"]))

If I were then to define a plot

p = plot(rand(10, 3), style=mystyle)

The first and third plots would be green, while the second would be red.

As usual, if the marker_color attribute on a trace was already set, then it will not be altered. For example:

p = plot(
        scatter(y=rand(4), marker_color="black"),

Then the first and fourth traces would be red, the second black, and the third green.

Defining Styles

There are 3 ways to define a Style:

1. Styles from scratch

To define a brand new style, you simply construct one or more of the fields and assign it using the keyword argument Style constructor. For example, this is how the ggplot style is defined (as of time of writing):

ggplot = let
    axis = attr(showgrid=true, gridcolor="white", linewidth=1.0,
                linecolor="white", titlefont_color="#555555",
                titlefont_size=14, ticks="outside",
    layout = Layout(plot_bgcolor="#E5E5E5",

    colors = Cycler([
        "#E24A33", "#348ABD", "#988ED5", "#777777", "#FBC15E",
        "#8EBA42", "#FFB5B8"
    gta = attr(
        marker_line_width=0.5, marker_line_color="#348ABD", marker_color=colors
    Style(layout=layout, global_trace=gta)

When displayed in the REPL we see the following:

Style with:
  - layout with fields font, margin, paper_bgcolor, plot_bgcolor, titlefont, xaxis, and yaxis
  - global_trace: PlotlyAttribute with field marker

Notice that we didn't have to define the trace field. When building new Styles you only need to define the fields of the Style type that you actually use in your style.

2. From other Styles

The second approach is to define a new Style, starting from an existing style. Suppose that I liked the ggplot style, but wanted to make sure that the marker symbol on scatter traces was always a square. I could define the following style:

square_ggplot = Style(ggplot,
                      trace=Dict(:scatter => attr(marker_symbol="square")))

When displayed in the REPL we see the following:

Style with:
  - layout with fields font, margin, paper_bgcolor, plot_bgcolor, titlefont, xaxis, and yaxis
  - global_trace: PlotlyAttribute with field marker
  - trace:
    - scatter: PlotlyAttribute with field marker

Notice that all the information for color_cycle, layout and global_trace is the same as in the ggplot case above, but we now have the addition of another section for the trace field as it is no longer empty.

3. Composition

The final method for constructing new Styles is to compose existing styles.

Suppose that we want the ability to easily change the font size on the plot title to be large, say at a level of 20. We might want to apply this transformation to multiple existing styles. One way we could achieve this is by defining

big_title = Style(layout=Layout(titlefont_size=20))

and then composing big_title with an existing Style (e.g. ggplot from above) by calling

big_ggplot = Style(ggplot, big_title)

It is important that we put big_title after ggplot as the composing Style constructor has the same behavior as the function Base.merge where fields that appear in both the left and right arguments are set to the value of the rightmost appearance.

The only thing we've gained over method number 2 for defining styles is that we can now reuse the big_title Style as many times as we'd like. This is great, but doesn't actually show off the power of composing Styles. Composition becomes more powerful when you use more than two styles. Consider the following example:

square = Style(trace=Dict(:scatter => attr(marker_symbol="square")))
big_square_ggplot = Style(ggplot, square, big_title)

Here the order of square and big_title was not important as they don't define any of the same attributes.

Using Styles

Now that we know how to build a Style, how do we use it?. There are two main ways to use a Style:

  • Global mode: call the use_style!(::Style) function to set a global style

for all subsequent plots (styles are not applied retroactively to plots that were created before this function is called).

  • Plot by plot mode: All methods of the plot and Plot functions accept a

keyword argument style::Style that sets the style for that plot only.


Styles do not transfer to parent plots when creating subplots. If you want to apply a Style to a plot containing subplots you must either use the global mode or construct the plot and set the style field on the parent after subplots are created (e.g. p = [p1 p2];, where ggplot is defined as above)

Built in Styles

There are a few built in styles that come with PlotlyJS.jl. More will be added over time. To see which styles are currently built in look at the unexported PlotlyJS.STYLES variable.

To obtain a built in style use the method style(s::Symbol), where s is one of the symbols in PlotlyJS.STYLES.

To use a built in style globally use the method use_style!(s::Symbol), where again s is a symbol from PlotlyJS.STYLES.

Appendix: How Styles work

The best way to think about styles is that they will apply default values for attributes, only if the attribute is not already defined. For example, suppose we had the following style:

goofy = Style(global_trace=attr(marker_color="red"),
              trace=Dict(:scatter => attr(mode="markers")))

two plots:

p1 = plot(scatter(y=1:3, mode="lines", marker_symbol="square"), style=goofy)
p2 = plot(scatter(y=1:3, marker_color="green"), style=goofy)

If we inspect the json from these two plots we see:

julia> print(json(p1, 2))
  "layout": {
    "margin": {
      "r": 50,
      "l": 50,
      "b": 50,
      "t": 60
  "data": [
      "y": [
      "type": "scatter",
      "mode": "lines",
      "marker": {
        "symbol": "square",
        "color": "red"

julia> print(json(p2, 2))
  "layout": {
    "margin": {
      "r": 50,
      "l": 50,
      "b": 50,
      "t": 60
  "data": [
      "y": [
      "type": "scatter",
      "marker": {
        "color": "green"
      "mode": "markers"

Notice that on p1:

  • the marker.color attribute was set to red
  • marker.symbol remained square
  • mode was not changed from lines to markers.

On the other hand, in p2 we see that the

  • mode was set to markers
  • marker.color was not changed from green to red

This happened because the scatter in p1 defined the mode attribute, but not marker_color whereas the scatter in p2 defined marker_color but not mode. In both cases the attributes inside the Style became a default value for fields that were not already set inside the trace.