
Contributions are welcome! For a quick list at the things on our radar, check out the issue list.

If submitting pull requests on GitHub is intimidating, we're happy to help you work through getting your code polished up and included in the right places.

Other projects that are helpful are:

  • Adding docstrings to function names
  • Adding more examples to the documentation (see below)
  • Submitting feature requests or bug reports


The documentation for PlotlyJS.jl is contained in the docs directory of this repository.

Docs are build using the Documenter.jl package and can be built following these steps:

  1. Change into the docs directory
  2. Start julia
  3. Activate the docs project by entering package mode (]) and then running activate .
  4. Execute include("make.jl") from the Julia prompt

Adding Examples

tl;dr: adding examples to the docs is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

  1. Add a new function that returns a SyncPlot to a Julia (.jl) file in the examples directory
  2. Run the Julia script docs/build_example_docs.jl to re-generate the markdown source for the examples section of the docs
  3. Rebuild the site using one of the instructions above

One of the most helpful things users can do to contribute to the documentation is to add more examples. These are automatically generated from the Julia (.jl) files in the examples directory. To add a new example, you simply need to open one of the files in that directory and add a new 0 argument function that constructs and returns a SyncPlot object (this is the output of the plot function).

For example, if we wanted to add an example of a scatter plot of the sin function we could add the following function definition inside the examples/line_scatter.jl file:

function sin_scatter()
    x = range(0, stop=2*pi, length=50)
    y = sin(x)
    plot(scatter(x=x, y=y, marker_symbol="line-nw", mode="markers+symbols"))

The next step is to have Julia re-build the markdown (.md) files in docs/examples to use all your new functions in the Julia files from the examples folder. To do this run the script docs/build_example_docs.jl. If I were in the root directory of the repository, I could do this by running julia docs/build_example_docs.jl.

The final step is to build the docs again using one of the commands from above.