
Welcome to the documentation for PlotlyJS.jl, a Julia interface to the plotly.js visualization library.

This package does not interact with the Plotly web API, but rather leverages the underlying javascript library to construct plotly graphics using all local resources. This means you do not need a Plotly account or an internet connection to use this package.

The goals of PlotlyJS.jl are:

  1. Make it convenient to construct and manipulate plotly visualizations
  2. Provide infrastructure for viewing plots on multiple frontends and saving

plotly graphics to files

Getting Help

There are three primary resources for getting help with using this library:

  1. The Julia discourse page. This is your best option if the question you have is specific to Julia. Appropriate topics include how to integrate with other Julia packages or how to use plotly features unique to PlotlyJS.jl
  2. The julia channel on the plotly discussion page. This is your best option if you want visibility from other parts of the plotly community including python and R users.
  3. GitHub Issues. This is appropriate only for bug reports or feature requests. General usage questions should not be posted to GitHub, but rather should utilize one of the discussion forums above


To install PlotlyJS.jl, open up a Julia REPL, press ] to enter package mode and type:

(v1.0) pkg> add PlotlyJS

For existing users you can run up from the package manager REPL mode to get the latest release. If after doing this plots do not show up in your chosen frontend, please run build PlotlyJS (again from pkg REPL mode) to tell Julia to download the latest release of the plotly.js javascript library.

Saving figures

PlotlyJS.jl comes with built-in support for saving figures to files via the integration between PlotlyBase.jl (a dependency of PlotlyJS.jl) and Plotly's kaleido tool.

See exporting figures for more information.


If you would like to have a more exhaustive set of top-level functions for constructing plots, see the Plots.jl package. This package is the plotlyjs Plots.jl backend and is fully supported by Plots.