using AbstractPlotting N = 7 # number of colours in default palette sc = Scene() st = Stepper(sc, "output") xs = 0:9 # data ys = zeros(10) for i in 1:N # plot lines lines!(sc, xs, ys; color = AbstractPlotting.default_palettes.color[][i], limits = FRect((0, 0), (10, 10)), linewidth = 5 ) # plot lines with colors end center!(sc) step!(st) for (i, rot) in enumerate(LinRange(0, π/2, N)) rotate!(sc.plots[i+1], rot) arc!(sc, Point2f0(0), (8 - i), pi/2, (pi/2-rot); color = sc.plots[i+1].color, linewidth = 5, linestyle = :dash ) end step!(st)