The famous iris example

using DataFrames, RDatasets # do Pkg.add.(["DataFrames", "RDatasets"]) if you don't have these packages installed

using AbstractPlotting

iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")

x = iris[!, :SepalWidth]
y = iris[!, :SepalLength]

scene = Scene()
colors = [:red, :green, :blue]
i = 1 #color incrementer
for sp in unique(iris[!, :Species])
    idx = iris[!, :Species] .== sp
    sel = iris[idx, [:SepalWidth, :SepalLength]]
    scatter!(scene, sel[:,1], sel[:,2], color = colors[i], limits = FRect(1.5, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0))
    global i = i+1
axis = scene[Axis] # get axis
xlabel!(scene, "Sepal width")
ylabel!(scene, "Sepal length")