
using MakieLayout
using ColorSchemes

using AbstractPlotting

scene, layout = layoutscene(30, resolution = (1200, 900))

ncols = 4
nrows = 4

# create a grid of LAxis objects
axes = [LAxis(scene) for i in 1:nrows, j in 1:ncols]
# and place them into the layout
layout[1:nrows, 1:ncols] = axes

# link x and y axes of all LAxis objects

lineplots = [lines!(axes[i, j], (1:0.1:8pi) .+ i, sin.(1:0.1:8pi) .+ j,
        color = get(ColorSchemes.rainbow, ((i - 1) * nrows + j) / (nrows * ncols)), linewidth = 4)
    for i in 1:nrows, j in 1:ncols]

for i in 1:nrows, j in 1:ncols
    # remove unnecessary decorations in some of the facets, this will have an
    # effect on the layout as the freed up space will be used to make the axes
    # bigger
    i > 1 && (axes[i, j].titlevisible = false)
    j > 1 && (axes[i, j].ylabelvisible = false)
    j > 1 && (axes[i, j].yticklabelsvisible = false)
    j > 1 && (axes[i, j].yticksvisible = false)
    i < nrows && (axes[i, j].xticklabelsvisible = false)
    i < nrows && (axes[i, j].xticksvisible = false)
    i < nrows && (axes[i, j].xlabelvisible = false)

autolimits!(axes[1]) # hide

legend = LLegend(scene, permutedims(lineplots, (2, 1)), ["Line $i" for i in 1:length(lineplots)],
    ncols = 2)
# place a legend on the side by indexing into one column after the current last
layout[:, end+1] = legend

# index into the 0th row, thereby adding a new row into the layout and place
# a text object across the first four columns as a super title
layout[0, 1:4] = LText(scene, text="MakieLayout Facets", textsize=50)
