using AbstractPlotting: textslider using GeometryBasics, FileIO using LinearAlgebra using AbstractPlotting """ example by @pbouffard from JuliaPlots/Makie.jl#307 """ const rearth_km = 6371.1f0 const mearth_kg = 5.972e24 const rmoon_km = 1738.1f0 const mmoon_kg = 7.34e22 const rship_km = 500f0 const mship_kg = 1000.0 const dbetween_km = 378_000.0f0 const radius_mult = 1.0f0 const timestep = 1.0f0 mutable struct Ship mass_kg::Float32 position_m::Vec3f0 velocity_mps::Vec3f0 color::Symbol mesh::AbstractPlotting.Mesh end function moveto!(ship::Ship, (x, y, z)) ship.position_m = Vec3f0(x, y, z) translate!(ship.mesh, x, y, z) ship.position_m, ship.velocity_mps end function orbit(r; steps=80) return [Point3f0(r*cos(x), r*sin(x), 0) for x in range(0, stop=2pi, length=steps)] end # function makestars(n) return map(1:n) do i v = [0, 0, 0] # initialize so we go into the while loop while norm(v) < .0001 v = randn(Point3f0) end v = v / norm(v) # normalize to unit norm v end end function makecontrols() orbit_slider, orbit_speed = textslider(0f0:10f0, "Speed", start=1.0) scale_slider, scale = textslider(1f0:20f0, "Scale", start=10.0) return orbit_slider, orbit_speed, scale_slider, scale end function makeships(scene, N) return map(1:N) do i sm = mesh!(scene, Sphere(Point3f0(0), rship_km*radius_mult), color=:green, show_axis=false)[end] ship = Ship(mship_kg, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], :green, sm) moveto!(ship, (100000f0 * randn(Float32), dbetween_km/2 + randn(Float32) * 50000f0, 50000f0*randn(Float32))) ship.velocity_mps = [40000*randn(Float32), -1000*randn(Float32), 1000*randn(Float32)] ship end end function makeobjects(scene) earthbitmap = load(MakieGallery.assetpath("earth.png")) earth = mesh!(scene, Sphere(Point3f0(0), rearth_km*radius_mult), color=earthbitmap)[end] moonbitmap = load(MakieGallery.assetpath("moon.png")) moon = mesh!(scene, Sphere(Point3f0(0), rmoon_km*radius_mult), color=moonbitmap)[end] translate!(moon, Vec3f0(0, dbetween_km, 0)) orb = lines!(scene, orbit(dbetween_km), color=:gray) # stars = scatter!(1000000*makestars(1000), color=:white, markersize=2000) return earth, moon #, stars#, ships end function spin(scene, orbit_speed, scale, moon, earth, ships) center!(scene) # update far / near automatically. # could also be done manually: # cam.near[] = 100 # cam.far[] = 1.5*dbetween_km update_cam!(scene, Vec3f0(1.3032e5, 7.12119e5, 3.60022e5), Vec3f0(0, 0, 0)) θ = 0.0 # wait untill window is open while !isopen(scene) sleep(0.1) end while isopen(scene) scale!(moon, (scale[], scale[], scale[])) scale!(earth, (scale[], scale[], scale[])) for ship in ships scale!(ship.mesh, (scale[], scale[], scale[])) end translate!(moon, Vec3f0(-dbetween_km*sin(θ/28), dbetween_km*cos(θ/28), 0)) rotate!(earth, Vec3f0(0, 0, 1), θ) rotate!(moon, Vec3f0(0, 0, 1), π/2 + θ/28) sleep(0.01) θ += 0.05 * orbit_speed[] timestep = 10 * orbit_speed[] gravity(timestep, ships, earth, moon) end end function gravity(timestep, ships, earth, moon) for ship in ships rship = ship.position_m #translation(ship)[] rearth = translation(earth)[] rmoon = translation(moon)[] rship_earth = (rearth - rship) * 1e3 # convert to m rship_moon = (rmoon - rship) * 1e3 # convert to m G = 6.67408e-11 # m^3⋅kg^-2⋅s^-1 nrship_earth = max(0.1, norm(rship_earth)) nrship_moon = max(0.1, norm(rship_moon)) fearth = G * (mship_kg * mearth_kg)/(nrship_earth^2) * rship_earth/nrship_earth fmoon = G * (mship_kg * mmoon_kg)/(nrship_moon^2) * rship_earth/nrship_earth ftot = fearth + fmoon ship.velocity_mps += timestep * ftot drship = timestep * ship.velocity_mps / 1e3 rship = rship + drship moveto!(ship, rship) end end universe = Scene(backgroundcolor=:black, show_axis=false, resolution=(2048,1024)) ships = makeships(universe, 600) earth, moon = makeobjects(universe); orbit_slider, orbit_speed, scale_slider, scale = makecontrols(); controls = (orbit_slider, scale_slider); scene = hbox(vbox(controls...), universe) = false task = @async spin(universe, orbit_speed, scale, moon, earth, ships) = false # Do not execute beyond this point! RecordEvents(scene, "output")