using StatsMakie using DataFrames, RDatasets # for data using StatsMakie: smooth, linear using Distributions using AbstractPlotting mtcars = dataset("datasets", "mtcars") # load dataset of car statistics iris = dataset("datasets", "iris") disallowmissing!.([mtcars, iris]) # convert columns from Union{T, Missing} to T # We can use this because the dataset has no missing values. @substep # kde plot( density, # the type of analysis Data(mtcars), :MPG, Group(color = :Cyl) ) @substep # histogram plot( histogram, # the type of analysis Data(mtcars), :MPG, Group(color = :Cyl) ) @substep # frequency analysis d = rand(Poisson(), 1000) plot(frequency, d) @substep xs = 10 .* rand(100) ys = sin.(xs) .+ 0.5 .* rand.() scatter(xs, ys) plot!(smooth, xs, ys) @substep scatter(xs, ys) plot!(linear, xs, ys)